The new site is optimized to make interacting with all WFH educational resources more efficient by offering users the following:
- Improved search functionality making it easier and faster to find relevant materials
- A modern and user-friendly platform with even more information for readers
- Full Spanish and French translation, with certain pages also translated in Arabic and Russian
The WFH eLearning platform is your one-stop-shop for all your educational resource needs. With just a few clicks, you can find everything you need on hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders—from a quick introduction to in-depth guides and articles.
The WFH eLearning platform features educational content on topics relevant to bleeding disorders and over 800 educational resources, including educational videos, webinar recordings, interactive learning modules, and online tools for healthcare professionals, people with bleeding disorders (PWBDs), and their families. Official WFH translations of many documents are available in Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese. Many of the materials have been translated by other organizations and are available in 18 additional languages.
To get started with the eLearning platform, please click here.