WFH awards presented during WFH 2024 World Congress
The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) and its national member organizations (NMO) are powered by dedicated individuals who believe that together, a better future can be brought to those living with a bleeding disorder around the world. WFH awards serve to recognize these individuals who have dedicated their time to supporting our shared vision of Treatment for All....
Congress social media toolkit
Help us build a buzz with our Social Media Toolkit and spread the word about the WFH 2024 World Congress. Together, we have the power to reshape the future of bleeding disorders. Share the excitement and spread the word far and wide!
Congress Materials
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Social Media Images 1200x627
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Social Media Images 1080x1920 (Animated)
Header images
Social Media Images 1200x627
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Social Media Images 1080x1920 (Animated)
Header images
Social Media Images 1200x627
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Social Media Images 1080x1920 (Animated)