Imagine for a moment how difficult this past year would have been if you had no stable internet access. Or if a four-hour ride in a crowded bus was the only way to see your doctor. This is the reality for many living with a bleeding disorder. Isolation, fear, and lack of access to treatment could have quickly become the norm for thousands of people around the world in developing countries. Fortunately, the impact of the situation was lessened thanks to the commitment of the volunteers, partners and supporters of the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) who all came together in solidarity to show that while we were apart for now, we are never alone.
In a year faced with unprecedented challenges, we were there for each other. The WFH moved critical training programs online, hosted the first-ever Global Summit on Women and Girls with Bleeding Disorders, and provided our community with the tools and support they needed to continue advocating for better access to treatment and care in a rapidly changing world.
In the coming months we can only hope that vaccination campaigns will allow people to visit family and return to “normal” daily life. For many, though, the long-term effects of the pandemic will last, so we all have to work together to mitigate that impact so we can continue moving towards our shared vision of Treatment for All.
This World Hemophilia Day, you can help! Take action by making a donation to help us continue to help us meet the needs of the global bleeding disorders community.
Your World Hemophilia Day donation will:
- Ensure we provide patient organization leaders and healthcare providers with the tools they need to stay connected in our new world
- Deliver training and guidance to help our community advocate for access to treatment and care
- Help us continue to give voice to the women and girls with bleeding disorders struggling for recognition and access to care
- Provide us with the flexibility to respond quickly to our community’s emerging and evolving needs
This year, the family of WFH Founder Frank Schnabel will match all donations made between April 15 to April 19 up to a total contribution of $2,500!
Turn your compassion into action and make a donation so that your action today can influence their future tomorrow.
Learn more about World Hemophilia Day and how you can participate by clicking here.