This year, it is our honour to bestow the 2022 WFH President’s Award on Mohammad Nurul Islam. This award recognizes either an individual or an organization that has served their local community, for a significant amount of time, and made a substantial impact in the hemophilia community within its country.
Mohammad Nurul Islam formed the Hemophilia Society of Bangladesh in 1994 and has been a dedicated volunteer and passionate leader serving the bleeding disorders community in his country for over 27 years. Islam has consistently devoted his time to furthering education and awareness programs for people with bleeding disorders, for both family members and healthcare professionals. He has also established seven hemophilia treatment centres across Bangladesh. Most recently, Nurul Islam was instrumental in securing government funding for the purchase of free factor in divisional-level government hospitals. Islam’s fierce activism and motivation for the greater good were key in forging the necessary relationships in Bangladesh that made it possible to have the government and health minister officially recognize bleeding disorders.
To learn more about Mohammad Nurul Islam’s remarkable achievements and his impact on the lives of people living with bleeding disorders, have a look at the WFH Volunteer Award page, here.